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ICC2018 – The European Championhip for Retrievers



Welcome to the homepage for the ICC2018, which will take place in Denmark on October 12 – 14.

The ICC is a two day event, where highly qualified European retrievers compete in being the best retrieving shooting dog. It is an individual contest, where the best dogs will be placed. The abreviation stands for International Challenge Cup.

The event is purely an individual competition and the winner may obtain an international CACIT, which is a ticket to the title as International Field Trial Champion. It also qualifies for the next ICC.

It is not an event open to the public, however people who are interested in watching the best European retrievers working, will have the opportunity to be registered as spectators and so be allowed to attend both days.

On these pages we will inform you about the event and the progress in organizing the biggest field trial event in Europe.